Professional “Soft” Skills Matter
I was invited to be the keynote speaker at San Jose State University’s UX Association 2nd annual event (Apr 18, 2015). The title of my presentation was “Roles, Values, and Process”, and it was about the importance of “soft” skills within a corporate environment. Many designers (especially new graduates) focus mostly on technical design skills, not […]

Great Resources
A short list of online resources I find interesting and useful for UX, design, research, and more… Informative Websites UX Matters: UXmatters provides insights and inspiration to both professionals working in all aspects of user experience (UX)—at every stage in their career—and students who are just beginning their journey in user experience. Boxes and Arrows: Boxes […]

Simple Research Loop
If you are relatively new to the field of Design Research, then it may be time to consider other factors that contribute to the success of a research study beyond your expertise with a particular method or tool. Let’s take a step back from any individual method and look at the context within which research […]

Design Process
I’m still surprised every now and then when I meet designers and design leaders who dislike or discount design process. Thankfully, there are still many designers out there who do believe in process, but for the non-believers some typical arguments go something like this: Process kills or stifles creativity I don’t need process to tell […]